
This Monday, I plan on beginning a series of studies looking at the way God has revealed Himself in scripture. Specifically, I want to look at how God has revealed Himself to be Father, Son, and Holy Spirit–One God. We use the word “Trinity” to refer to this…this way God is God. Not only is it one of those topics that Christians regularly find confusing, but it is also essentially practical; a maturing understanding of who God is as a Trinity will help us relate to God (and people) in a more fruitful way.   

I have a basic outline of where I think the studies will go–Four looking at exactly how God has shown us that He is Triune, and five or so looking at the practical implications (for us) of this revelation. The order may change (for example, study 2 may be about the Son before we focus on the Father) and the practical studies in particular may morph as i actually get into them, but here’s a general idea of how we might tackle this subject:

Our God Has Made Himself Known: Getting to Know The Trinity

1. Why this is So Exciting: The Only Real God Wants Us to Know Him
2. God is The Father Who Sends His Son in the Power of His Spirit
3. God is The Son Who Reveals His Father Through His Spirit
4. God is The Spirit Who Lives in the Son to Glorify the Father
5. The Only Real World: The Universe made by the Trinity
6. What We Are: People in the Image of the Trinity
7. What We’re For: Worshiping the Trinity
8. How to Stop the Hate: The Trinity and how we treat each other
9. Getting Over Our Past: The Trinity and how we heal

I’ve already posted some written thoughts, and links to four awesome messages on the Trinity that I highly recommend. Check them out. Can’t wait to get into it all with you.