The New Website: A Work in Progress, Your Comments Wanted

by | Nov 20, 2011 | Announcements | 0 comments

Hey everyone, welcome to the new website for the young adults fellowship. I’ve enjoyed Monday nights with you this fall like I can’t even tell you. I’m excited to see where the Lord’s taking us all.

In fact, the only thing I wish I could change about it all so far is that Monday nights feel so…far…apart.  So I’ve been hoping this website can be a small piece of keeping us all in more “in touch” through the week. (Not that I’m in any way saying a web page is anything like true, in-person interaction (see: why I’m not on Facebook)).  So–real spiritual growth and Christian “body-life” won’t happen here, I know. But then again, if we’re growing in Christ and in togetherness in Him for real, there’s no reason a website can’t be a small, even important, part of all of that.

To that end, here’s what I hope this can be for all of us:

  1. The Resource Page is something that should be useful for all of us. I’m hoping to pack it out with stuff to download. Everything from edifying articles to charts and tables for Bible Study to audio and video should all find their way there. There’s already some bible reading plans to download, and the audio from Monday nights should soon start popping up there as well.
  2. Hopefully this blog can become a sort of “update center” for what’s going on with the group (along with the Facebook page and even the Facebook group (got to get that link…)). Here’s where we’ll most regularly be posting news about what’s coming up for our group. If we can get that RSS feed working at the bottom of the page (look for the orange RSS logo), you should be able to get blog posts with your email if that’s easier for you. Also, the blog is where we can post interesting links, encouraging thoughts, and lots of tools for bible study, ministry, and all kinds of spiritual growth.
  3. Comments on the blog are open. Of course they’re “moderated” but please feel free to respond to things we post and even to others who respond. One of the good things about the internet is when it’s used for substantive conversation. It’s too bad it happens so rarely.
  4. The “Calendar” link at the top of the page is not live yet, but will be as soon as we get a calendar! Stay tuned.
  5. Also, some of the graphics may look pixelated some your computer. We’re working to fix this too…

So look around and comment back with your thoughts. See you tomorrow!