The same friend who invited you to the Mosque with him this Saturday sent me this very helpful document yesterday. It’s a bunch of advice for using your home (or apartment, or parents’ home, etc.) as an outreach, with some specific advice for entertaining Muslims.
You can download the whole document here.
Here’s an outline of the topics it covers:
I. The Ministry of Hospitality
A. Biblical Foundations of Hospitality
- A priority of Biblical cultures—spending time with people, sharing your home, heart, food with others.
- OT Examples—“Eat with us, stay with us”
- NT Examples—Important in Jesus’ ministry & early church
- NT Exhortations
B. Ministry of Hospitality
Open the door to your heart & your home; “make your home an instrument of ministry”; lets people know you want to share your home/heart/life with them
- Ministry to the Body of Christ—builds community, a need for Muslim Background Believers
- Ministry of outreach—to befriend & witness
C. Hindrances to Hospitality—“CHAOS” (Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome)
D. Action Points—“What must I do?”
II. Hospitality: Cross Cultural advice to build bridges to Muslims
When Muslims come to your home.
A. Preparation:
B. How to Dress
C. Arrival & Greeting
D. Before the Meal
E. At the Table/ During the Meal
F. Food Suggestions for Muslims
G. Conversation
H. Drop-ins
When You’re Invited to Their Home.
What Can Our Church/Ministries/Groups Do to Reach Internationals/ Immigrants through Hospitality?
Yes, yes!
People who try to befriend Muslims are so often amazed at how ordinary or nice they are. The hardest part is the first step.
Become who Jesus wants you to be- open up to others to let God’s love out.
Many Muslims are from group-oriented cultures (more like the one Jesus grew up in). Here in the US they can be lonely and feel very alienated.
Having a Muslim friend will raise questions and challenge you to depend on the Bible and to learn more. Look for a group study like Bridges or find other Christians to learn with as you reach out.