Slider Memorial Day

Summer’s coming fast. We’ll get it started with three nights in a row to wrap up the spring, fellowship, hang out and get ready for the next few months with the young adults fellowship.

  • Returning Student Night / Friday May 16th: A night dedicated to any of you who are students just finishing a semester at college. Whether you were away at school or stayed close to home this semester, come reconnect, hear about how to plug in to Young Adults this summer, and most important, spend time discussing any spiritual or intellectual issues you faced during the semester. Details of place and time will follow shortly…
  • Community Group Monday / Monday May 19th: A unique Monday night where we’ll announce the summer line-up of Young Adult Community Groups, explain the vision and practical workings of the groups, and give everyone a chance to sign up for the groups they’re interested in. If you want to go deeper with your Christian relationships this Summer, this is the night for you.
  • Memorial Day Picnic / Monday May 26th: Like we do every year, we’ll get together on the field in front of the church to grill, hang out, share about what the Lord’s doing in our lives so far this year, get some night kickball or ultimate going, and whatever else breaks out. Times and details to come…