Here’s a Christmas gift idea (for yourself or a friend): The Young Adults Bible Study Starter Pack. A small library of reference books is an ideal way to help you deepen your knowledge of Gods word through your own personal study–a few key books can help grow your ability to search the scriptures to know God and strengthen your faith. And it’s something you can build on for the future. Every Christian family should have at least a basic study library if they can. Why not start your family’s before your family starts?

Here’s what the pack includes:

Unger’s Bible Dictionary
Use this to look up everything from place names to people to concepts. Includes maps and full color pictures.

Nelson’s Cross Reference Guide to the Bible
This is like a center column reference guide for your Bible on steroids. Look up any verse and it will give you cross references with other verses to look up that relate to every phrase in the verse. It’s an updated version of a work I’ve used since college, The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge.

Mounce’s Complete Expository Dictionary
Mounce’s dictionary that lets you get in depth definitions fo Greek and Hebrew words that lie behind the English translations we read. Keyed to both the Strong’s and GK numbering systems.

Lectures in Systematic Theology
By Henry Theissen. This is a great concise systematic theology, ideal for looking up any subject pertaining to Christian doctrine and increasing your knowledge of the Bible’s teaching in that area.

NIV Compact Bible Commentary
By John Sailhamer. This short commentary on every chapter in the Bible helps you quickly get your bearings in understanding whatever text you’re reading and see the connections in the text to read every part in light of the whole biblical revelation. Sailhamer is especially strong in the Old Testament.

How to Study the Bible/Know Your Bible
Really short, and really good. You could read these two books in a half hour and quickly gain a foundation in personal bible study.

After putting this list together for a friend, I asked Josh Sorenson (who runs the church bookstore) if he could package these titles together and give us a special price for our group, and he did–$75 for the pack, which is basically at cost. See Josh or email him at for more info…