A few days ago we posted the first video in a summer series entitled Being Christian in College.” Today we have the next installment, which features answers from our friends we grouped under the question What should Christians Do Together on Campus? In this video they discuss the various activities they got connected to, led, or dreamed up and spearheaded on campus. You’ll hear a variety of approaches and experiences, but a common thread binds them together: These are people who used their time in school intentionally, with an eye to proactively using the unique atmosphere found in campus life to spread the gospel and invite other students to find eternal life in Christ. Enjoy…


Videos in this Series:

Series introduction:

Recently we had several friends from CC Philly who are finishing up their fourth year of school stop by to discuss college life with us. They brought a few more friends with them, people they had met and bonded with at school.

They agreed to let us film them discussing their experiences, so that we could share them with all of you who are currently in, or about to enter, a college or university.

Two of them were unsaved when they began school, and they talk about their experience meeting Christians and beginning to walk with Christ. The others entered school as Christians, and they share thoughts on going through school and actually making a difference for Christ on campus.

Being Christian in College

1. What Surprised you Most about College?

2. What Should Christians Do Together on Campus?