I made this chart for a class I’m teaching on the book of Revelation. It shows the seven letters to the churches in Revelation 2 and 3, broken down into their common sections, so you can read vertically to see what Jesus says to each individual church, or horizontally, to see what He says in each section, to all the churches. I think it helps to visually arrange all His words in a way that we can let our minds see connections and development across the letters.

The more I look at it, the more I want to spend some serious time with it to let everything He’s saying sink in. Do we know what the Spirit is saying to the churches? Are we hearing His voice in our lives individually and as a family? He walks among the lampstands. He searches the hearts and minds.

Click on the pdf below to download and print out the chart for your own meditation.

And let’s be those who redeem our time by thinking deeply about Christ’s word to us, while we actively let it shape our living.

 Seven Letter Breakdown