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I forgot to announce this on Monday… but we will have Young Adults this coming Monday (12/23) It’s the night before Christmas Eve, so most of us will be at church the next day singing and thinking Christmas (that’s why we did our singing night this past Monday.) But since our church building’s open this following week, and closed the week after (in other words: no Young Adults on Monday night 12/30) it seemed right to at least get together for anyone that wanted to this coming Monday.

So, we’ll hold a special night where we’re encouraging every one to think beforehand about what the Lord’s been doing in their lives and teaching them this year, and the scripture’s that have been important along the way (especially recently). Bookmark it in your bible, and bring it to share with the group on Monday night. We’ll encourage each other and probably have a time to pray together as well.

…and then we’ll drink coffee and eat food together.

p.s. … this would be a great night to bring a snack/baked good to contribute to the pot, too.