Last year I met a couple of students who were Muslim, and began an ongoing conversation with one of them. This led me to finally begin (what I hope will be) a life-long pursuit of learning more about Islam, its people, and its teachings. I started reading articles, listening to lectures by Christians and Muslims, listening to debates over things like The Bible vs. The Quran, or Jesus vs. Muhammad. It has definitely been enlightening,  but through it all one consistent thought has stayed with me.

The other day, I was surprised to see that this thought was exactly illustrated in a video. (It seems there’s no new thought under the sun.)

What is this thought I can’t shake?  Watch and enjoy…

Incidentally, this is exactly the answer I give when people ask me why I believe the bible over the Quran. The Bible does not need the Quran to be true. The opposite cannot be said.