We wanted to give everyone a heads up about this, so you could share the graphic and invite friends.
On Monday, 12/19, we’ll have our annual Christmas hymnsing. Basically we’ll pack in a big band and sing our hearts out with the classic (and new) hymns and choruses celebrating one of the most amazing, momentous events in human history. You know, the kind of thing people still write songs about, even two thousand years after it happened.
So come sing with us, and invite your friends. As usual, the only break in the singing will be a message about the glory and good news of what the Christmas event means for everyone. In Christian speak–we’re gonna bring the gospel for your friends. Sama and Tony (working up these graphics) said: Help share this with friends. Click and download the image above and post it to social media with #YAChristmas16
And here’s the text we’ll share on social media:
Young Adults! Our Annual Christmas Hymnsing is Monday December 19th, at 7:30 pm. Come join us, sing the songs of the season, and celebrate the good news of Christmas.