by ccpwebteam | Nov 22, 2021 | Academic, Bible Study, Book Recommendations
Probably one of the things most people notice early when they really begin to study the bible for themselves is how much the bible quotes itself. It might begin with the slow realization that what seems to be a collection of random half-words and numbers on the side...
by ccpwebteam | Nov 17, 2020 | Academic, Culture, Humanity
I just listened to a podcast with an interview by Carl Trueman called “Making Sense of Transgenderism and the Sexual Revolution.” Trueman can be a little academic at times, but I really encourage those of you in any kind of college, or workplaces where...
by ccpwebteam | Oct 2, 2019 | Academic, End-Times
As we study through the Book of Revelation on Monday nights, we’re going at a fast enough pace that we’re not to spend time on some of the more complex details in the book, or on the discussions that have surrounded the book throughout church history....
by ccpwebteam | Nov 15, 2018 | Academic, Christian History, Theology
It’s pretty amazing how much education you can have for free these days, and to what level you can study, all by your self. Case in point: a few years ago I listened through a ten lecture class on medieval Church history by Carl Trueman, who is one of my...
by ccpwebteam | Mar 31, 2017 | Academic, Culture, Paper Topics
College students! This would make an excellent article to write a paper on: The created truth manifest in sexed bodies cannot endure in law as “one among many” incompatible human identity markers. It can only either be (1) the norm, or (2) subservient to some other...
by ccpwebteam | Mar 6, 2017 | Academic, Bible Study, Humanity
[This is a repost from 2014, because tonight I’m going to reference a quote from the lectures linked to below. And because these are really great resources if you’re wondering about either of these topics. (Come on…the Problem of Evil anyone?)] I...