by ccpwebteam | Nov 23, 2021 | Biblical History, Spiritual Life
Last night in our home groups we continued our discussion of the Old Testament Law and what it has to say to followers of Christ today. For the discussion, I shared a very helpful passage from Allen Ross’ book Holiness to the Lord. Ross has some good insight into how...
by ccpwebteam | Feb 26, 2018 | Biblical History, Evangelism
Tonight we’re going to be studying (at least a portion of) 1 Corinthians 15. I am working with the running title of “How Can we Be Sure Believers will be Resurrected?” for one of the sections. One of the proofs Paul produces is that Jesus himself was...
by ccpwebteam | Aug 23, 2017 | Bible Study, Biblical History
This Summer, while we were spending some weeks studying through the book of Judges together, you may have heard references to Daniel Block’s commentary of Judges during some of the studies. It’s a great book, and today I wanted to post some of his thoughts...
by ccpwebteam | May 17, 2017 | Biblical History, Monday Study Notes, Theodicy, Theology
On Monday night we took some time to consider the conquest of Canaan in the book of Joshua, and the nature of the commands God gave which initiated it. Here are the notes: Understanding Joshua and the Command to Destroy the Canaanites This Summer on Monday nights...
by ccpwebteam | Aug 3, 2016 | Biblical History, Spiritual Life
Here’s another section from Waltke’s introduction to the Proverbs, this time on the character of “the sluggard,” whom we looked at a little last Monday night. This makes for another great personal bible study: The sluggard’s unreliable...
by ccpwebteam | Apr 6, 2016 | Biblical History
Check out this quote by George Guthrie, from the chapter on Hebrews in the Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament. “The early church understood Psalm 2:7 to refer to Jesus’ induction into his royal position as king of the universe at the...